home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* TrackWindow.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "TrackWindow.h"
- #include "Scroll.h"
- #include "MainWindowStuff.h"
- #include "TrackObject.h"
- #include "TrackList.h"
- #include "WindowDispatcher.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "IconButton.h"
- #include "NoteButtonImages.h"
- #include "GrowIcon.h"
- #include "Main.h"
- #include "TrackView.h"
- #include "NoteObject.h"
- #include "Array.h"
- #include "TrackAttributeDialog.h"
- #include "CommandChooser.h"
- #include "DataMunging.h"
- #include "GlobalWindowMenuList.h"
- #include "SampleDeviceOutput.h"
- #include "Alert.h"
- #include "NumberDialog.h"
- #include "DiskFileOutput.h"
- #define WINDOWXSIZE (500)
- #define WINDOWYSIZE (290)
- #define BUTTONSXSTART (-1)
- #define BUTTONSY (-1)
- #define BUTTONWIDTH (24)
- #define BUTTONHEIGHT (24)
- #define HSCROLLX (-1)
- #define HSCROLLY(WinHeight) ((WinHeight) - 16 + 1)
- #define HSCROLLWIDTH(WinWidth) ((WinWidth) + 2 - 15)
- #define VSCROLLX(WinWidth) ((WinWidth) - 16 + 1)
- #define VSCROLLHEIGHT(WinHeight) ((WinHeight) - VSCROLLY - 15 + 1)
- #define TRACKVIEWX (0)
- #define TRACKVIEWWIDTH(WindowWidth) ((WindowWidth) - 15)
- #define TRACKVIEWHEIGHT(WindowHeight) ((WindowHeight) - 15 - TRACKVIEWY)
- struct TrackWindowRec
- {
- MainWindowRec* MainWindow;
- TrackObjectRec* TrackObject;
- TrackListRec* TrackList;
- /* NoteState contains the flags for a note. If eCommandFlag bit is set, then */
- /* all of the other bits are disregarded and clicking will ask for a command. */
- /* If it is clear, then the other bits are valid and clicking will create an */
- /* appropriate note. */
- unsigned long NoteState;
- /* NoteReady is true if NoteState is valid, or False if not */
- MyBoolean NoteReady;
- WinType* ScreenID;
- ScrollRec* HScroll;
- ScrollRec* VScroll;
- IconButtonRec* ArrowButton;
- IconButtonRec* CommandButton;
- IconButtonRec* SixtyFourthButton;
- IconButtonRec* ThirtySecondButton;
- IconButtonRec* SixteenthButton;
- IconButtonRec* EighthButton;
- IconButtonRec* QuarterButton;
- IconButtonRec* HalfButton;
- IconButtonRec* WholeButton;
- IconButtonRec* DoubleButton;
- IconButtonRec* QuadButton;
- IconButtonRec* SharpButton;
- IconButtonRec* FlatButton;
- IconButtonRec* NaturalButton;
- IconButtonRec* NoteVsRestButton;
- IconButtonRec* RestVsNoteButton;
- IconButtonRec* NoDotButton;
- IconButtonRec* YesDotButton;
- IconButtonRec* Div1Button;
- IconButtonRec* Div3Button;
- IconButtonRec* Div5Button;
- IconButtonRec* Div7Button;
- TrackViewRec* TrackView;
- GenericWindowRec* MyGenericWindow; /* how the window event dispatcher knows us */
- MenuItemType* MyMenuItem;
- /* for doing fun stuff with the play... menu options */
- MyBoolean LastMenuOptionKeyDown;
- };
- static void TrackWindowVScrollHook(long Parameter, ScrollType How,
- TrackWindowRec* Window);
- static void TrackWindowHScrollHook(long Parameter, ScrollType How,
- TrackWindowRec* Window);
- /* create a new track editing window */
- TrackWindowRec* NewTrackWindow(struct TrackObjectRec* TrackObject,
- struct MainWindowRec* MainWindow,
- struct TrackListRec* TrackList, short WinX, short WinY,
- short WinWidth, short WinHeight)
- {
- TrackWindowRec* Window;
- OrdType ButtonX;
- /* deal with window placement */
- if ((WinWidth < 100) || (WinHeight < 100) || ((eOptionKey & CheckModifiers()) != 0))
- {
- WinX = 1 + WindowOtherEdgeWidths(eDocumentWindow);
- WinY = 1 + WindowTitleBarHeight(eDocumentWindow);
- WinHeight = WINDOWYSIZE;
- }
- MakeWindowFitOnScreen(&WinX,&WinY,&WinWidth,&WinHeight);
- Window = (TrackWindowRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(TrackWindowRec),"TrackWindowRec");
- if (Window == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- return NIL;
- }
- Window->MainWindow = MainWindow;
- Window->TrackObject = TrackObject;
- Window->TrackList = TrackList;
- Window->ScreenID = MakeNewWindow(eDocumentWindow,eWindowClosable,eWindowZoomable,
- eWindowResizable,WinX,WinY,WinWidth,WinHeight,(void (*)(void*))&TrackWindowUpdator,
- Window);
- if (Window->ScreenID == 0)
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- ReleasePtr((char*)Window);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- Window->HScroll = NewScrollBar(Window->ScreenID,eHScrollBar,HSCROLLX,
- if (Window->HScroll == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint3:
- KillWindow(Window->ScreenID);
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- Window->VScroll = NewScrollBar(Window->ScreenID,eVScrollBar,VSCROLLX(WinWidth),
- if (Window->VScroll == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint4:
- DisposeScrollBar(Window->HScroll);
- goto FailurePoint3;
- }
- Window->ArrowButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,ButtonX,BUTTONSY,
- BUTTONWIDTH,BUTTONHEIGHT,ArrowButtonBits,ArrowButtonMouseDownBits,
- ArrowButtonSelectedBits,ArrowButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->ArrowButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint5:
- DisposeScrollBar(Window->VScroll);
- goto FailurePoint4;
- }
- Window->CommandButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,ButtonX,
- BUTTONSY,BUTTONWIDTH,BUTTONHEIGHT,CommandButtonBits,CommandButtonMouseDownBits,
- CommandButtonSelectedBits,CommandButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->CommandButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint5point1:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->ArrowButton);
- goto FailurePoint5;
- }
- Window->SixtyFourthButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,
- SixtyFourthButtonMouseDownBits,SixtyFourthButtonSelectedBits,
- SixtyFourthButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->SixtyFourthButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint6:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->CommandButton);
- goto FailurePoint5point1;
- }
- Window->ThirtySecondButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,
- ThirtySecondButtonMouseDownBits,ThirtySecondButtonSelectedBits,
- ThirtySecondButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->ThirtySecondButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint7:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->SixtyFourthButton);
- goto FailurePoint6;
- }
- Window->SixteenthButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,
- SixteenthButtonMouseDownBits,SixteenthButtonSelectedBits,
- SixteenthButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->SixteenthButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint8:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->ThirtySecondButton);
- goto FailurePoint7;
- }
- Window->EighthButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,
- EighthButtonMouseDownBits,EighthButtonSelectedBits,
- EighthButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->EighthButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint9:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->SixteenthButton);
- goto FailurePoint8;
- }
- Window->QuarterButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,
- QuarterButtonMouseDownBits,QuarterButtonSelectedBits,
- QuarterButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->QuarterButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint10:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->EighthButton);
- goto FailurePoint9;
- }
- Window->HalfButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,
- ButtonX,BUTTONSY,BUTTONWIDTH,BUTTONHEIGHT,HalfButtonBits,HalfButtonMouseDownBits,
- HalfButtonSelectedBits,HalfButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->HalfButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint11:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->QuarterButton);
- goto FailurePoint10;
- }
- Window->WholeButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,
- ButtonX,BUTTONSY,BUTTONWIDTH,BUTTONHEIGHT,WholeButtonBits,WholeButtonMouseDownBits,
- WholeButtonSelectedBits,WholeButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->WholeButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint12:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->HalfButton);
- goto FailurePoint11;
- }
- Window->DoubleButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,ButtonX,
- BUTTONSY,BUTTONWIDTH,BUTTONHEIGHT,DoubleButtonBits,DoubleButtonMouseDownBits,
- DoubleButtonSelectedBits,DoubleButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->DoubleButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint13:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->WholeButton);
- goto FailurePoint12;
- }
- Window->QuadButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,ButtonX,
- QuadButtonSelectedBits,QuadButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->QuadButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint14:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->DoubleButton);
- goto FailurePoint13;
- }
- Window->SharpButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,ButtonX,
- SharpButtonSelectedBits,SharpButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->SharpButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint15:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->QuadButton);
- goto FailurePoint14;
- }
- Window->FlatButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,ButtonX,
- FlatButtonSelectedBits,FlatButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->FlatButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint16:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->SharpButton);
- goto FailurePoint15;
- }
- Window->NaturalButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,ButtonX,
- BUTTONSY,BUTTONWIDTH,BUTTONHEIGHT,NaturalButtonBits,NaturalButtonMouseDownBits,
- NaturalButtonSelectedBits,NaturalButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->NaturalButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint17:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->FlatButton);
- goto FailurePoint16;
- }
- Window->NoteVsRestButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,
- NoteVsRestButtonMouseDownBits,NoteVsRestButtonSelectedBits,
- NoteVsRestButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->NoteVsRestButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint18:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->NaturalButton);
- goto FailurePoint17;
- }
- Window->RestVsNoteButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,
- RestVsNoteButtonMouseDownBits,RestVsNoteButtonSelectedBits,
- RestVsNoteButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->RestVsNoteButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint19:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->NoteVsRestButton);
- goto FailurePoint18;
- }
- Window->NoDotButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,ButtonX,
- NoDotButtonSelectedBits,NoDotButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->NoDotButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint20:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->RestVsNoteButton);
- goto FailurePoint19;
- }
- Window->YesDotButton = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,ButtonX,
- YesDotButtonSelectedBits,YesDotButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->YesDotButton == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint21:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->NoDotButton);
- goto FailurePoint20;
- }
- Window->Div1Button = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,ButtonX,
- Div1ButtonSelectedBits,Div1ButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->Div1Button == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint22:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->YesDotButton);
- goto FailurePoint21;
- }
- Window->Div3Button = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,ButtonX,
- Div3ButtonSelectedBits,Div3ButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->Div3Button == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint23:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->Div1Button);
- goto FailurePoint22;
- }
- Window->Div5Button = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,ButtonX,
- Div5ButtonSelectedBits,Div5ButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->Div5Button == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint24:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->Div3Button);
- goto FailurePoint23;
- }
- Window->Div7Button = NewIconButtonPreparedBitmaps(Window->ScreenID,ButtonX,
- Div7ButtonSelectedBits,Div7ButtonSelectedMouseDownBits,eIconRadioMode);
- if (Window->Div7Button == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint25:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->Div5Button);
- goto FailurePoint24;
- }
- Window->TrackView = NewTrackView(TrackObject,Window->ScreenID,TRACKVIEWX,
- if (Window->TrackView == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint26:
- DisposeIconButton(Window->Div7Button);
- goto FailurePoint25;
- }
- Window->MyGenericWindow = CheckInNewWindow(Window->ScreenID,Window,
- (void (*)(void*,MyBoolean,OrdType,OrdType,ModifierFlags))&TrackWindowDoIdle,
- (void (*)(void*))&TrackWindowBecomeActive,
- (void (*)(void*))&TrackWindowBecomeInactive,
- (void (*)(void*))&TrackWindowJustResized,
- (void (*)(OrdType,OrdType,ModifierFlags,void*))&TrackWindowDoMouseDown,
- (void (*)(unsigned char,ModifierFlags,void*))&TrackWindowDoKeyDown,
- (void (*)(void*))&TrackWindowClose,
- (void (*)(void*))&TrackWindowMenuSetup,
- (void (*)(void*,MenuItemType*))&TrackWindowDoMenuCommand);
- if (Window->MyGenericWindow == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint27:
- DisposeTrackView(Window->TrackView);
- goto FailurePoint26;
- }
- Window->MyMenuItem = MakeNewMenuItem(mmWindowMenu,"x",0);
- if (Window->MyMenuItem == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint28:
- CheckOutDyingWindow(Window->MyGenericWindow);
- goto FailurePoint27;
- }
- if (!RegisterWindowMenuItem(Window->MyMenuItem,(void (*)(void*))&ActivateThisWindow,
- Window->ScreenID))
- {
- FailurePoint29:
- KillMenuItem(Window->MyMenuItem);
- goto FailurePoint28;
- }
- Window->NoteState = e4thNote | eDiv1Modifier;
- Window->NoteReady = False;
- TrackWindowUpdateScrollBars(Window);
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- TrackWindowResetTitlebar(Window);
- return Window;
- }
- /* dispose of the track editing window. */
- void DisposeTrackWindow(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- HideMenu(TrackListGetTrackMenu(Window->TrackList));
- TrackObjectClosingWindowNotify(Window->TrackObject,
- GetWindowXStart(Window->ScreenID),GetWindowYStart(Window->ScreenID),
- GetWindowWidth(Window->ScreenID),GetWindowHeight(Window->ScreenID));
- DeregisterWindowMenuItem(Window->MyMenuItem);
- KillMenuItem(Window->MyMenuItem);
- CheckOutDyingWindow(Window->MyGenericWindow);
- DisposeTrackView(Window->TrackView);
- DisposeScrollBar(Window->HScroll);
- DisposeScrollBar(Window->VScroll);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->ArrowButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->CommandButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->SixtyFourthButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->ThirtySecondButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->SixteenthButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->EighthButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->QuarterButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->HalfButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->WholeButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->DoubleButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->QuadButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->SharpButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->FlatButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->NaturalButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->NoteVsRestButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->RestVsNoteButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->NoDotButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->YesDotButton);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->Div1Button);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->Div3Button);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->Div5Button);
- DisposeIconButton(Window->Div7Button);
- KillWindow(Window->ScreenID);
- ReleasePtr((char*)Window);
- }
- /* bring the track window to the top and give it the focus */
- void TrackWindowBringToTop(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- ActivateThisWindow(Window->ScreenID);
- }
- void TrackWindowDoIdle(TrackWindowRec* Window,
- MyBoolean CheckCursorFlag, OrdType XLoc, OrdType YLoc,
- ModifierFlags Modifiers)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- /* check mouse EVERY time, not just on mouse update cycles */
- if (TrackViewHitTest(Window->TrackView,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- /* note plotting mode cursor */
- TrackViewUpdateMouseCursor(Window->TrackView,XLoc,YLoc,Window->NoteReady);
- }
- else
- {
- TrackViewUndrawCursorBar(Window->TrackView);
- SetArrowCursor();
- }
- }
- void TrackWindowBecomeActive(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- OrdType XSize;
- OrdType YSize;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- XSize = GetWindowWidth(Window->ScreenID);
- YSize = GetWindowHeight(Window->ScreenID);
- EnableScrollBar(Window->HScroll);
- EnableScrollBar(Window->VScroll);
- /* force redraw of track view object to incorporate any changes to tracks */
- /* displayed in this window (since we don't redraw it in the background in */
- /* order to save time) */
- MarkForDeferredUpdate(Window->ScreenID);
- SetClipRect(Window->ScreenID,XSize - 15,YSize - 15,XSize,YSize);
- DrawBitmap(Window->ScreenID,XSize-15,YSize-15,GetGrowIcon(True/*enablegrowicon*/));
- /* decrease lag time so that we update cursor more often */
- SetEventSleepTime(0.1);
- ShowMenu(TrackListGetTrackMenu(Window->TrackList));
- }
- void TrackWindowBecomeInactive(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- OrdType XSize;
- OrdType YSize;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- XSize = GetWindowWidth(Window->ScreenID);
- YSize = GetWindowHeight(Window->ScreenID);
- DisableScrollBar(Window->HScroll);
- DisableScrollBar(Window->VScroll);
- SetClipRect(Window->ScreenID,XSize - 15,YSize - 15,XSize,YSize);
- DrawBitmap(Window->ScreenID,XSize-15,YSize-15,GetGrowIcon(False/*disablegrowicon*/));
- /* reset event delay time to default */
- SetEventSleepTime(0.25);
- HideMenu(TrackListGetTrackMenu(Window->TrackList));
- }
- void TrackWindowJustResized(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- OrdType XSize;
- OrdType YSize;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- XSize = GetWindowWidth(Window->ScreenID);
- YSize = GetWindowHeight(Window->ScreenID);
- SetClipRect(Window->ScreenID,0,0,XSize,YSize);
- DrawBoxErase(Window->ScreenID,0,0,XSize,YSize);
- SetTrackViewPosition(Window->TrackView,TRACKVIEWX,TRACKVIEWY,
- TrackWindowUpdateScrollBars(Window);
- SetScrollLocation(Window->HScroll,HSCROLLX,HSCROLLY(YSize),HSCROLLWIDTH(XSize));
- SetScrollLocation(Window->VScroll,VSCROLLX(XSize),VSCROLLY,VSCROLLHEIGHT(YSize));
- }
- void TrackWindowDoMouseDown(OrdType XLoc, OrdType YLoc,
- ModifierFlags Modifiers, TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- if ((XLoc >= GetWindowWidth(Window->ScreenID) - 15)
- && (XLoc < GetWindowWidth(Window->ScreenID))
- && (YLoc >= GetWindowHeight(Window->ScreenID) - 15)
- && (YLoc < GetWindowHeight(Window->ScreenID)))
- {
- UserGrowWindow(Window->ScreenID,XLoc,YLoc);
- TrackWindowJustResized(Window);
- }
- else if (ScrollHitTest(Window->VScroll,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- ScrollHitProc(Window->VScroll,Modifiers,XLoc,YLoc,Window,
- (void (*)(long, ScrollType, void*))&TrackWindowVScrollHook);
- }
- else if (ScrollHitTest(Window->HScroll,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- ScrollHitProc(Window->HScroll,Modifiers,XLoc,YLoc,Window,
- (void (*)(long, ScrollType, void*))&TrackWindowHScrollHook);
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->ArrowButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->ArrowButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = False;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- TrackViewUndrawCursorBar(Window->TrackView);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->CommandButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->CommandButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState |= eCommandFlag;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->SixtyFourthButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->SixtyFourthButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | e64thNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->ThirtySecondButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->ThirtySecondButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | e32ndNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->SixteenthButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->SixteenthButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | e16thNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->EighthButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->EighthButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | e8thNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->QuarterButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->QuarterButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | e4thNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->HalfButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->HalfButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | e2ndNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->WholeButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->WholeButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | eWholeNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->DoubleButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->DoubleButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | eDoubleNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->QuadButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->QuadButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | eQuadNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->SharpButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->SharpButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eFlatModifier) | eSharpModifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->FlatButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->FlatButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eSharpModifier) | eFlatModifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->NaturalButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->NaturalButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = Window->NoteState & ~(eSharpModifier | eFlatModifier);
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->NoteVsRestButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->NoteVsRestButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = Window->NoteState & ~eRestModifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->RestVsNoteButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->RestVsNoteButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = Window->NoteState | eRestModifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->NoDotButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->NoDotButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = Window->NoteState & ~eDotModifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->YesDotButton,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->YesDotButton,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = Window->NoteState | eDotModifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->Div1Button,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->Div1Button,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDivisionMask) | eDiv1Modifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->Div3Button,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->Div3Button,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDivisionMask) | eDiv3Modifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->Div5Button,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->Div5Button,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDivisionMask) | eDiv5Modifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (IconButtonHitTest(Window->Div7Button,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if (IconButtonMouseDown(Window->Div7Button,XLoc,YLoc,NIL,NIL))
- {
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDivisionMask) | eDiv7Modifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- }
- }
- else if (TrackViewHitTest(Window->TrackView,XLoc,YLoc))
- {
- if ((Modifiers & eCommandKey) != 0)
- {
- /* single note selection */
- TrackViewTrySingleNoteSelection(Window->TrackView,XLoc,YLoc);
- }
- else if ((Modifiers & eControlKey) != 0)
- {
- /* set ties */
- if (TrackViewIsASingleNoteSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- TrackViewSetTieOnNote(Window->TrackView,XLoc,YLoc);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (Window->NoteReady && ((Modifiers & eShiftKey) == 0))
- {
- if ((Window->NoteState & eCommandFlag) == 0)
- {
- /* adding a note to the track */
- TrackViewAddNote(Window->TrackView,XLoc,YLoc,Window->NoteState);
- }
- else
- {
- NoteCommands TheCommandTheyWant;
- /* adding a command to the track */
- if (ChooseCommandFromList(&TheCommandTheyWant))
- {
- TrackViewAddCommand(Window->TrackView,XLoc,YLoc,
- TheCommandTheyWant);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* block selection */
- TrackViewDoMouseDown(Window->TrackView,XLoc,YLoc,
- ((Modifiers & eShiftKey) != 0),
- (void (*)(void *))&TrackWindowUpdateScrollBars,Window);
- }
- TrackWindowUpdateHScrollBar(Window);
- }
- }
- }
- void TrackWindowDoKeyDown(unsigned char KeyCode,
- ModifierFlags Modifiers, TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if ((Modifiers & eCommandKey) != 0)
- {
- /* don't pay attention to errant menu shortcuts */
- return;
- }
- switch (KeyCode)
- {
- case eLeftArrow:
- TrackWindowHScrollHook(0,eScrollLineMinus,Window);
- break;
- case eRightArrow:
- TrackWindowHScrollHook(0,eScrollLinePlus,Window);
- break;
- case eUpArrow:
- TrackWindowVScrollHook(0,eScrollLineMinus,Window);
- break;
- case eDownArrow:
- TrackWindowVScrollHook(0,eScrollLinePlus,Window);
- break;
- case '/':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState = e4thNote | eDiv1Modifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- TrackViewUndrawCursorBar(Window->TrackView);
- break;
- case 'a':
- case eCancelKey:
- Window->NoteReady = False;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- TrackViewUndrawCursorBar(Window->TrackView);
- break;
- case 'z':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- TrackViewUndrawCursorBar(Window->TrackView);
- break;
- case 'x':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | e64thNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case 't':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | e32ndNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case 's':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | e16thNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case 'e':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | e8thNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case 'q':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | e4thNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case 'h':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | e2ndNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case 'w':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | eWholeNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case 'd':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | eDoubleNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case 'f':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDurationMask) | eQuadNote;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case '=':
- case '+':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eFlatModifier) | eSharpModifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case '-':
- case '_':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eSharpModifier) | eFlatModifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case '0':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = Window->NoteState & ~(eSharpModifier | eFlatModifier);
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case 'n':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = Window->NoteState & ~eRestModifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case 'r':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = Window->NoteState | eRestModifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case ',':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = Window->NoteState & ~eDotModifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case '.':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = Window->NoteState | eDotModifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case '1':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDivisionMask) | eDiv1Modifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case '3':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDivisionMask) | eDiv3Modifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case '5':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDivisionMask) | eDiv5Modifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case '7':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState &= ~eCommandFlag;
- Window->NoteState = (Window->NoteState & ~eDivisionMask) | eDiv7Modifier;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case 'c':
- Window->NoteReady = True;
- Window->NoteState |= eCommandFlag;
- TrackWindowResetButtons(Window);
- break;
- case 8:
- /* the delete key deletes selected stuff */
- if (TrackViewIsASingleNoteSelected(Window->TrackView)
- || TrackViewIsASingleCommandSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- TrackViewDeleteSingleNoteOrCommand(Window->TrackView);
- }
- else if (TrackViewIsARangeSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- TrackViewDeleteRangeSelection(Window->TrackView);
- }
- TrackWindowUpdateScrollBars(Window);
- break;
- case 13: /* carriage return brings up attribute dialog for the selected thing */
- if (TrackViewIsASingleNoteSelected(Window->TrackView)
- || TrackViewIsASingleCommandSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- TrackViewEditSingleSelectionAttributes(Window->TrackView);
- }
- break;
- case 3: /* show selection */
- TrackWindowShowSelection(Window);
- break;
- case '<': /* transpose note down 1 step */
- if ((TrackViewIsARangeSelected(Window->TrackView))
- || TrackViewIsASingleNoteSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- TrackViewTransposeSelection(Window->TrackView,-1);
- }
- break;
- case '>': /* transpose note up 1 step */
- if ((TrackViewIsARangeSelected(Window->TrackView))
- || TrackViewIsASingleNoteSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- TrackViewTransposeSelection(Window->TrackView,1);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- void TrackWindowClose(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- DisposeTrackWindow(Window);
- }
- void TrackWindowUpdator(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- OrdType XSize;
- OrdType YSize;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- XSize = GetWindowWidth(Window->ScreenID);
- YSize = GetWindowHeight(Window->ScreenID);
- RedrawScrollBar(Window->HScroll);
- RedrawScrollBar(Window->VScroll);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->ArrowButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->CommandButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->SixtyFourthButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->ThirtySecondButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->SixteenthButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->EighthButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->QuarterButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->HalfButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->WholeButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->DoubleButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->QuadButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->SharpButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->FlatButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->NaturalButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->NoteVsRestButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->RestVsNoteButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->NoDotButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->YesDotButton);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->Div1Button);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->Div3Button);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->Div5Button);
- RedrawIconButton(Window->Div7Button);
- TrackViewRedrawAll(Window->TrackView);
- SetClipRect(Window->ScreenID,0,0,XSize,YSize);
- DrawLine(Window->ScreenID,eBlack,0,BUTTONSY + BUTTONHEIGHT - 1,XSize,0);
- DrawBitmap(Window->ScreenID,XSize - 15,YSize - 15,
- GetGrowIcon(Window->MyGenericWindow == GetCurrentWindowID()));
- }
- void TrackWindowMenuSetup(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- MainWindowEnableGlobalMenus(Window->MainWindow);
- ChangeItemName(mCloseFile,"Close Track Editor");
- EnableMenuItem(mCloseFile);
- ChangeItemName(mDeleteObject,"Delete Track");
- EnableMenuItem(mDeleteObject);
- TrackListEnableMenuItems(Window->TrackList);
- TrackListMenuItemCheckmarks(Window->TrackList,
- TrackObjectGetBackgroundList(Window->TrackObject));
- SetItemCheckmark(TrackObjectGetMenuItem(Window->TrackObject));
- EnableMenuItem(mEditTrackAttributes);
- SetItemCheckmark(Window->MyMenuItem);
- EnableMenuItem(mShowSelection);
- EnableMenuItem(mSelectAll);
- if (TrackViewIsThereInsertionPoint(Window->TrackView)
- || TrackViewIsARangeSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- EnableMenuItem(mPaste);
- ChangeItemName(mPaste,"Paste");
- }
- if (TrackViewIsASingleNoteSelected(Window->TrackView)
- || TrackViewIsASingleCommandSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- EnableMenuItem(mClear);
- ChangeItemName(mClear,"Delete Note");
- }
- if (TrackViewIsARangeSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- EnableMenuItem(mClear);
- ChangeItemName(mClear,"Delete Selection");
- EnableMenuItem(mCut);
- ChangeItemName(mCut,"Cut Selection");
- EnableMenuItem(mCopy);
- ChangeItemName(mCopy,"Copy Selection");
- }
- if (TrackViewCanWeUndo(Window->TrackView))
- {
- EnableMenuItem(mUndo);
- ChangeItemName(mUndo,"Undo Track Edit");
- }
- if ((TrackViewIsARangeSelected(Window->TrackView))
- || TrackViewIsASingleNoteSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- EnableMenuItem(mTransposeSelection);
- }
- EnableMenuItem(mPlayThisTrackFromHere);
- EnableMenuItem(mPlayAllTracksFromHere);
- Window->LastMenuOptionKeyDown = ((CheckModifiers() & eOptionKey) != 0);
- if (Window->LastMenuOptionKeyDown)
- {
- ChangeItemName(mPlayThisTrackFromHere,"Play This Track To Disk");
- ChangeItemName(mPlayAllTracksFromHere,"Play All Tracks To Disk");
- }
- else
- {
- ChangeItemName(mPlayThisTrackFromHere,"Play This Track");
- ChangeItemName(mPlayAllTracksFromHere,"Play All Tracks");
- }
- EnableMenuItem(mGotoMeasureBar);
- }
- void TrackWindowDoMenuCommand(TrackWindowRec* Window,
- MenuItemType* MenuItem)
- {
- TrackObjectRec* Track;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (MainWindowDoGlobalMenuItem(Window->MainWindow,MenuItem))
- {
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mCloseFile)
- {
- TrackWindowClose(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mDeleteObject)
- {
- TrackListDeleteTrack(Window->TrackList,Window->TrackObject);
- }
- else if (NIL != (Track = TrackListLookupMenuItem(Window->TrackList,MenuItem)))
- {
- ArrayRec* Backgrounded;
- Backgrounded = TrackObjectGetBackgroundList(Window->TrackObject);
- if (ArrayFindElement(Backgrounded,Track) >= 0)
- {
- /* item is in array -- remove it */
- if (Window->TrackObject != Track)
- {
- TrackObjectRemoveBackgroundObj(Window->TrackObject,Track);
- TrackObjectRemoveDependentView(Track,Window->TrackView);
- TrackViewRemoveBackgroundTrack(Window->TrackView,Track);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* item is not in array -- add it */
- if (Window->TrackObject != Track)
- {
- /* our track needs to know that it has another track in background */
- if (!TrackObjectAddBackgroundObj(Window->TrackObject,Track))
- {
- AddTrackFailurePoint1:
- return;
- }
- /* the other track needs to know about our view so that */
- /* it can notify it about updates */
- if (!TrackObjectAddDependentView(Track,Window->TrackView))
- {
- AddTrackFailurePoint2:
- TrackObjectRemoveBackgroundObj(Window->TrackObject,Track);
- goto AddTrackFailurePoint1;
- }
- /* the view needs to know so it can add it to the scheduler */
- if (!TrackViewAddBackgroundTrack(Window->TrackView,Track))
- {
- AddTrackFailurePoint3:
- TrackObjectRemoveDependentView(Track,Window->TrackView);
- goto AddTrackFailurePoint2;
- }
- }
- }
- TrackWindowUpdateScrollBars(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mEditTrackAttributes)
- {
- TrackAttributeDialog(Window->TrackObject);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mSelectAll)
- {
- TrackViewSelectAll(Window->TrackView);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mPaste)
- {
- TrackViewAttemptPaste(Window->TrackView);
- TrackWindowUpdateScrollBars(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mClear)
- {
- if (TrackViewIsASingleNoteSelected(Window->TrackView)
- || TrackViewIsASingleCommandSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- TrackViewDeleteSingleNoteOrCommand(Window->TrackView);
- }
- else if (TrackViewIsARangeSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- TrackViewDeleteRangeSelection(Window->TrackView);
- }
- TrackWindowShowSelection(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mCut)
- {
- TrackViewCutRangeSelection(Window->TrackView);
- TrackWindowShowSelection(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mCopy)
- {
- TrackViewCopyRangeSelection(Window->TrackView);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mUndo)
- {
- TrackViewUndo(Window->TrackView);
- TrackWindowShowSelection(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mPlayThisTrackFromHere)
- {
- long StartIndex;
- ArrayRec* TrackList;
- if (TrackViewIsARangeSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- StartIndex = TrackViewGetRangeStart(Window->TrackView);
- }
- else if (TrackViewIsThereInsertionPoint(Window->TrackView))
- {
- StartIndex = TrackViewGetInsertionPointIndex(Window->TrackView);
- }
- else if (TrackViewIsASingleNoteSelected(Window->TrackView)
- || TrackViewIsASingleCommandSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- StartIndex = TrackViewGetSingleNoteSelectionFrameNumber(Window->TrackView);
- }
- else
- {
- StartIndex = 0; /* default to the beginning for other selections */
- }
- TrackList = NewArray();
- if (TrackList == NIL)
- {
- PlaySingleFailurePoint1:
- AlertHalt("There is not enough memory available to play the track.",NIL);
- return;
- }
- if (!ArrayAppendElement(TrackList,Window->TrackObject))
- {
- PlaySingleFailurePoint2:
- DisposeArray(TrackList);
- goto PlaySingleFailurePoint1;
- }
- if (!Window->LastMenuOptionKeyDown)
- {
- SynthToSoundDevice(Window->MainWindow,TrackList,Window->TrackObject,
- StartIndex,MainWindowGetSamplingRate(Window->MainWindow),
- MainWindowGetEnvelopeRate(Window->MainWindow),
- MainWindowGetStereo(Window->MainWindow),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetBeatsPerMinute(Window->MainWindow)),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetVolumeScaling(Window->MainWindow)),
- MainWindowGetInterpolationOverTime(Window->MainWindow),
- MainWindowGetInterpolationAcrossWaves(Window->MainWindow),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetScanningGap(Window->MainWindow)),
- MainWindowGetOutputNumBits(Window->MainWindow),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetBufferDuration(Window->MainWindow)),False);
- }
- else
- {
- SynthToAIFFFile(Window->MainWindow,TrackList,Window->TrackObject,
- StartIndex,MainWindowGetSamplingRate(Window->MainWindow),
- MainWindowGetEnvelopeRate(Window->MainWindow),
- MainWindowGetStereo(Window->MainWindow),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetBeatsPerMinute(Window->MainWindow)),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetVolumeScaling(Window->MainWindow)),
- MainWindowGetInterpolationOverTime(Window->MainWindow),
- MainWindowGetInterpolationAcrossWaves(Window->MainWindow),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetScanningGap(Window->MainWindow)),
- MainWindowGetOutputNumBits(Window->MainWindow),False);
- }
- DisposeArray(TrackList);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mPlayAllTracksFromHere)
- {
- long StartIndex;
- ArrayRec* TrackList;
- long TrackListScan;
- if (TrackViewIsARangeSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- StartIndex = TrackViewGetRangeStart(Window->TrackView);
- }
- else if (TrackViewIsThereInsertionPoint(Window->TrackView))
- {
- StartIndex = TrackViewGetInsertionPointIndex(Window->TrackView);
- }
- else if (TrackViewIsASingleNoteSelected(Window->TrackView)
- || TrackViewIsASingleCommandSelected(Window->TrackView))
- {
- StartIndex = TrackViewGetSingleNoteSelectionFrameNumber(Window->TrackView);
- }
- else
- {
- StartIndex = 0; /* default to the beginning for other selections */
- }
- TrackList = TrackListGetListOfAllTracks(Window->TrackList);
- if (TrackList == NIL)
- {
- AlertHalt("There is not enough memory available to play the track.",NIL);
- return;
- }
- TrackListScan = 0;
- /* keep only the tracks that are marked to be played */
- while (TrackListScan < ArrayGetLength(TrackList))
- {
- TrackObjectRec* MaybeTrack;
- MaybeTrack = (TrackObjectRec*)ArrayGetElement(TrackList,TrackListScan);
- CheckPtrExistence(MaybeTrack);
- if ((MaybeTrack != Window->TrackObject) /* we MUST keep the current track! */
- && !TrackObjectShouldItBePlayed(MaybeTrack))
- {
- ArrayDeleteElement(TrackList,TrackListScan);
- }
- else
- {
- TrackListScan += 1;
- }
- }
- if (!Window->LastMenuOptionKeyDown)
- {
- SynthToSoundDevice(Window->MainWindow,TrackList,Window->TrackObject,
- StartIndex,MainWindowGetSamplingRate(Window->MainWindow),
- MainWindowGetEnvelopeRate(Window->MainWindow),
- MainWindowGetStereo(Window->MainWindow),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetBeatsPerMinute(Window->MainWindow)),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetVolumeScaling(Window->MainWindow)),
- MainWindowGetInterpolationOverTime(Window->MainWindow),
- MainWindowGetInterpolationAcrossWaves(Window->MainWindow),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetScanningGap(Window->MainWindow)),
- MainWindowGetOutputNumBits(Window->MainWindow),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetBufferDuration(Window->MainWindow)),False);
- }
- else
- {
- SynthToAIFFFile(Window->MainWindow,TrackList,Window->TrackObject,
- StartIndex,MainWindowGetSamplingRate(Window->MainWindow),
- MainWindowGetEnvelopeRate(Window->MainWindow),
- MainWindowGetStereo(Window->MainWindow),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetBeatsPerMinute(Window->MainWindow)),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetVolumeScaling(Window->MainWindow)),
- MainWindowGetInterpolationOverTime(Window->MainWindow),
- MainWindowGetInterpolationAcrossWaves(Window->MainWindow),
- Double2LargeBCD(MainWindowGetScanningGap(Window->MainWindow)),
- MainWindowGetOutputNumBits(Window->MainWindow),False);
- }
- DisposeArray(TrackList);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mShowSelection)
- {
- TrackWindowShowSelection(Window);
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mTransposeSelection)
- {
- long Transpose;
- Transpose = DoNumberDialog("Transpose half-steps:",0,mCut,mPaste,mCopy,
- mUndo,mSelectAll,mClear);
- if (Transpose != 0)
- {
- TrackViewTransposeSelection(Window->TrackView,Transpose);
- }
- }
- else if (MenuItem == mGotoMeasureBar)
- {
- long NewMeasure;
- NewMeasure = DoNumberDialog("Go To Measure:",0,mCut,mPaste,mCopy,
- mUndo,mSelectAll,mClear);
- if (NewMeasure != 0)
- {
- TrackViewShowMeasure(Window->TrackView,NewMeasure);
- TrackWindowUpdateScrollBars(Window);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- EXECUTE(PRERR(ForceAbort,"TrackWindowDoMenuCommand: unknown menu command"));
- }
- }
- void TrackWindowUpdateVScrollBar(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- SetMaxScrollIndex(Window->VScroll,
- TrackViewGetVerticalDegreesOfFreedom(Window->TrackView));
- SetScrollIndex(Window->VScroll,TrackViewGetVerticalOffset(Window->TrackView));
- RedrawScrollBar(Window->VScroll);
- }
- /* update the positioning of the horizontal scroll bar and redraw */
- void TrackWindowUpdateHScrollBar(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- SetMaxScrollIndex(Window->HScroll,
- TrackViewGetHorizontalDegreesOfFreedom(Window->TrackView));
- SetScrollIndex(Window->HScroll,TrackViewGetHorizontalOffset(Window->TrackView));
- RedrawScrollBar(Window->HScroll);
- }
- static void TrackWindowVScrollHook(long Parameter, ScrollType How,
- TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- long NewPosition;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- switch (How)
- {
- case eScrollToPosition:
- NewPosition = Parameter;
- break;
- case eScrollPageMinus:
- NewPosition = TrackViewGetVerticalOffset(Window->TrackView)
- - (7 * GetTrackViewHeight(Window->TrackView)) / 8;
- break;
- case eScrollPagePlus:
- NewPosition = TrackViewGetVerticalOffset(Window->TrackView)
- + (7 * GetTrackViewHeight(Window->TrackView)) / 8;
- break;
- case eScrollLineMinus:
- NewPosition = TrackViewGetVerticalOffset(Window->TrackView)
- - (1 * GetTrackViewHeight(Window->TrackView)) / 8;
- break;
- case eScrollLinePlus:
- NewPosition = TrackViewGetVerticalOffset(Window->TrackView)
- + (1 * GetTrackViewHeight(Window->TrackView)) / 8;
- break;
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(AllowResume,"TrackWindowVScrollHook: Unknown scroll opcode"));
- break;
- }
- TrackViewSetNewVerticalOffset(Window->TrackView,NewPosition);
- TrackWindowUpdateVScrollBar(Window);
- }
- static void TrackWindowHScrollHook(long Parameter, ScrollType How,
- TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- long NewPosition;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- switch (How)
- {
- case eScrollToPosition:
- NewPosition = Parameter;
- break;
- case eScrollPageMinus:
- NewPosition = TrackViewGetHorizontalOffset(Window->TrackView)
- - (7 * GetTrackViewWidth(Window->TrackView)) / 8;
- break;
- case eScrollPagePlus:
- NewPosition = TrackViewGetHorizontalOffset(Window->TrackView)
- + (7 * GetTrackViewWidth(Window->TrackView)) / 8;
- break;
- case eScrollLineMinus:
- NewPosition = TrackViewGetHorizontalOffset(Window->TrackView)
- - (1 * GetTrackViewWidth(Window->TrackView)) / 8;
- break;
- case eScrollLinePlus:
- NewPosition = TrackViewGetHorizontalOffset(Window->TrackView)
- + (1 * GetTrackViewWidth(Window->TrackView)) / 8;
- break;
- default:
- EXECUTE(PRERR(AllowResume,"TrackWindowHScrollHook: Unknown scroll opcode"));
- break;
- }
- TrackViewSetNewHorizontalOffset(Window->TrackView,NewPosition);
- TrackWindowUpdateHScrollBar(Window);
- }
- /* reset the state of the note attribute buttons according to the attribute flags */
- void TrackWindowResetButtons(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- if (!Window->NoteReady)
- {
- SetIconButtonState(Window->ArrowButton,True);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->CommandButton,False);
- NoteButtonsOffPoint:
- SetIconButtonState(Window->SixtyFourthButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->ThirtySecondButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->SixteenthButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->EighthButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->QuarterButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->HalfButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->WholeButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->DoubleButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->QuadButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->SharpButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->FlatButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->NaturalButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->NoteVsRestButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->RestVsNoteButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->NoDotButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->YesDotButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->Div1Button,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->Div3Button,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->Div5Button,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->Div7Button,False);
- }
- else
- {
- SetIconButtonState(Window->ArrowButton,False);
- if ((Window->NoteState & eCommandFlag) != 0)
- {
- SetIconButtonState(Window->CommandButton,True);
- goto NoteButtonsOffPoint;
- }
- else
- {
- SetIconButtonState(Window->CommandButton,False);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->SixtyFourthButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eDurationMask) == e64thNote);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->ThirtySecondButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eDurationMask) == e32ndNote);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->SixteenthButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eDurationMask) == e16thNote);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->EighthButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eDurationMask) == e8thNote);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->QuarterButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eDurationMask) == e4thNote);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->HalfButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eDurationMask) == e2ndNote);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->WholeButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eDurationMask) == eWholeNote);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->DoubleButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eDurationMask) == eDoubleNote);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->QuadButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eDurationMask) == eQuadNote);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->SharpButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eSharpModifier) != 0);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->FlatButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eFlatModifier) != 0);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->NaturalButton,
- (Window->NoteState & (eFlatModifier | eSharpModifier)) == 0);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->NoteVsRestButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eRestModifier) == 0);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->RestVsNoteButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eRestModifier) != 0);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->NoDotButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eDotModifier) == 0);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->YesDotButton,
- (Window->NoteState & eDotModifier) != 0);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->Div1Button,
- (Window->NoteState & eDivisionMask) == eDiv1Modifier);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->Div3Button,
- (Window->NoteState & eDivisionMask) == eDiv3Modifier);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->Div5Button,
- (Window->NoteState & eDivisionMask) == eDiv5Modifier);
- SetIconButtonState(Window->Div7Button,
- (Window->NoteState & eDivisionMask) == eDiv7Modifier);
- }
- }
- }
- /* the name of the file has changed, so update the title bar of the window. the */
- /* NewFilename is a non-null-terminated string. the caller is responsible for */
- /* disposing of it */
- void TrackWindowGlobalNameChange(TrackWindowRec* Window,
- char* NewFilename)
- {
- char* LocalNameCopy;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- CheckPtrExistence(NewFilename);
- LocalNameCopy = TrackObjectGetNameCopy(Window->TrackObject);
- if (LocalNameCopy != NIL)
- {
- char* SeparatorString;
- SeparatorString = StringToBlockCopy(": ");
- if (SeparatorString != NIL)
- {
- char* LeftHalfOfString;
- LeftHalfOfString = ConcatBlockCopy(NewFilename,SeparatorString);
- if (LeftHalfOfString != NIL)
- {
- char* TotalString;
- TotalString = ConcatBlockCopy(LeftHalfOfString,LocalNameCopy);
- if (TotalString != NIL)
- {
- char* NullTerminatedString;
- NullTerminatedString = BlockToStringCopy(TotalString);
- if (NullTerminatedString != NIL)
- {
- SetWindowName(Window->ScreenID,NullTerminatedString);
- ChangeItemName(Window->MyMenuItem,NullTerminatedString);
- ReleasePtr(NullTerminatedString);
- }
- ReleasePtr(TotalString);
- }
- ReleasePtr(LeftHalfOfString);
- }
- ReleasePtr(SeparatorString);
- }
- ReleasePtr(LocalNameCopy);
- }
- }
- /* reset the title bar even if the filename hasn't changed */
- void TrackWindowResetTitlebar(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- char* DocumentName;
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- DocumentName = GetCopyOfDocumentName(Window->MainWindow);
- if (DocumentName != NIL)
- {
- TrackWindowGlobalNameChange(Window,DocumentName);
- ReleasePtr(DocumentName);
- }
- }
- /* update both scrollbars */
- void TrackWindowUpdateScrollBars(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- TrackWindowUpdateVScrollBar(Window);
- TrackWindowUpdateHScrollBar(Window);
- }
- /* show the current selection in the window */
- void TrackWindowShowSelection(TrackWindowRec* Window)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Window);
- TrackViewShowSelection(Window->TrackView);
- TrackWindowUpdateScrollBars(Window);
- }